This page lists details of some important basic Electronics Subjects like:
- Solid State Electronics - Deals with devices or circuit involving theory of flow of electrons confined within solid material. This includes devices like Diodes, Transistors etc. Note: Here there is stress on solid state because we need to isolate this from the out-dated vacuum,gas-discharge devices and electro-mechanical devices(like relays and switches).
- Digital Electronics - Consider this as the super set of solid state electronics. Here the circuits of solid state electronics form the basic sub unit. Like the transistor circuit becomes a basic logic gate(AND , OR,NAND,XOR etc).
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - Consider this to be again a super set of Digital electronics. Here the circuits & devices of basic digital electronics form the subunits. This subjects gives way for new oppurtunities for programming and ultimately software programming. Programing is listed out under the Miscellaneous Subjects
You can also study Electronics and Communication engineering in Uttarakhand for your career growth.