Electronics Subjects

This page lists details of some important basic Electronics Subjects like:
  1. Solid State Electronics - Deals with devices or circuit involving theory of flow of electrons confined within solid material. This includes devices like Diodes, Transistors etc. Note: Here there is stress on solid state because we need to isolate this from the out-dated vacuum,gas-discharge devices and electro-mechanical devices(like relays and switches).
  2. Digital Electronics - Consider this as the super set of solid state electronics. Here the circuits of solid state electronics form the basic sub unit. Like the transistor circuit becomes a basic logic gate(AND , OR,NAND,XOR etc).
  3. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - Consider this to be again a super set of Digital electronics. Here the circuits & devices of basic digital electronics form the subunits. This subjects gives way for new oppurtunities for programming and ultimately software programming. Programing is listed out under the Miscellaneous Subjects

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