With your choice of interest, you might have this question in min, "With the press of a button/key or touch of a screen how things work"
Answer : Those mechanical inputs are converted into electrical signals (Voltage or Current fluctuations)
Generally these fluctuations will be between two values (say for example 5Volts and 0Volts). Such a signal is a digital signal, where each voltage level is considered to be either '0' or '1' in binary representation.
I guess, by now most of you would like to dig into one of our subjects of Digital Electronics.
Why are the inputs converted to digital ?
Answer: To take action on input, we need to process the inputs from the user. In order to process the inputs we have the microprocessor. Since the microprocessors can process only digital data, we do the conversion.
So hope we can go to understand the subject of Microprocessors.